Jiafeng Guo




Institute of Computing Technology (ICT),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

CAS Key Lab of Web Data Science and Technology

  • Email : guojiafeng@ict.ac.cn
  • Office : (8610)62600936
  • Address : NO. 6 Kexueyuan South Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.China,

  • Biography
  • Publication
  • Projects & ToolKits
  • Students & Talks

Jiafeng Guo is currently a Researcher of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a Professor of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as a PI of Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence. He is the director of the CAS key lab of network data science and technology. He received his B.E. in Computer Science and Technology from the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, in 2004 and earned his Ph.D. in Computer Software and Theory from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2009.

Dr. Guo has worked on a number of topics related to web search and data mining, including query representation and understanding, learning to rank, and text modeling. His current research is focused on neural models for information retrieval (Neural IR) and natural language understanding. He has won the Best Paper Award in ACM CIKM (2011), Best Student Paper Award in ACM SIGIR (2012), Best Full Paper Runner-up Award in ACM CIKM (2017) and Best Paper Award in ACM WSDM (2022).

Highlight: Open ToolKit for Deep Text Matching & Neural IR


Highlight: A Deep Look into Neural Ranking Models for Information Retrieval (NeuIR Survey)

Highlight: 信息检索与深度学习 (专著)


  • [Sept 2024] Two papers are accepted by NeurIPS 2024 about generative retrieval and adversarial defense.
  • [Sept 2024] Four papers are accepted by EMNLP 2024 about RAG, pretraining data detection, QA evaluation and entity linking.
  • [Aug 2024] Two papers are accepted by CIKM 2024 about question rewriter and knowledge graphs.
  • [Jul 2024] I co-organized two tutorial on Robust Information Retrieval and Recent Advances in Generative Information Retrieval at SIGIR 2024. The survey on robust information retrieval is available here.
  • [May 2024] One paper is accepted by KDD 2024 about fake news detection.
  • [May 2024] Four papers are accepted by ACL 2024 about generative retrieval, information extraction and retrieval-augmented LLMs.

Honors and Awards

Academic Services

  • Chairs/Co-Chairs: Reproducibility Paper Co-chair of the 46th ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'23), Workshop Co-chair of the 44th ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'21), Short Paper Co-chair of the 43rd ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'20), Short Paper Co-chair of the 5th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR'19), Publicity Co-chair of the 4th ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR'18), Program Co-chair of the 24th China Conference on Information Retrieval (CCIR'18), Workshop Co-chair of the 8th ACM International WSDM Conference (WSDM'15), Co-chair of the 20th China Conference on Information Retrieval Young Scholar Forum (CCIR'14-CCIR'16)
  • Secretary-General: Information Retrieval Technical Committee,Chinese Information Processing Society of China
  • Associate Editor: ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Information Retrieval Journal (IRJ), Communication of ACM (China)
  • Senior PC Member: SIGIR2022, KDD2022, CIKM2021, AAAI2019, WWW2019, SIGIR 2019
  • PC Member: WWW2020. WSDM2020, WSDM2019, EMNLP2019, NLPCC2019, SIGIR2018, EMNLP2018, KDD2018, WWW2018, AAAI2018, WSDM2018, SIGIR2017, AAAI2017, WSDM2017, EMNLP2017, CIKM2017, ACML2017, SIGIR 2016, CIKM 2016, WSDM 2016, EMNLP 2016, ACML 2016, ICTIR 2016, IJCAI 2015, ACL 2014, WSDM 2014, CIKM 2013, ICDM 2013, WSDM 2013, ACL 2013, WSDM 2012, CIKM 2012, SIGIR 2012, ACL 2012
  • Reviewer: IEEE TKDE, ACM TOIS, ACM TKDD, Information Retrieval Journal (IRJ), Neurocomputing, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (JMLC)

    Please find more publications on my Google Scholar profile.





















    NSFC Funding

    • Information Retrieval and Evaluation (Grant No. 61722211) (2018.01-2020.12)
    • User Profiling and Personlized Recommendation based on big Transactional Data (Grant No. 61472401) (2015.01-2018.12)
    • Recommendation Technology based on Large Scale User Data (Grant No. 61003166) (2011.01-2013.12)
    • Online Social Relational Network Mining and Analysis (participation) (2013.01-2017.12)

    973 Funding

    • Fundamental Theories and Applications of Web Big Data (participation) (2014.01-2018.12)


    MatchZoo (https://ntmc-community.github.io/)

    MatchingZoom is a toolkit for text matching. It was developed with a focus on facilitate the designing, comparing and sharing of deep text matching models. The architecture of the MatchZoo toolit is depicited in Figure. There are three major modules in the toolkit, namely data preparation, model construction, training and evaluation, respectively. These three modules are actually organized as a pipeline of data flow.


    Jiafeng Guo, Yixing Fan, Xiang Ji and Xueqi Cheng. MatchZoo: A Learning, Practicing, and Developing System for Neural Text Matching. The 42st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Paris, France. (SIGIR 2019)

    Social Scholar (http://soscholar.com)

    A vertical social network platform for academia. The system aims to introduce collaboration into academic search, mining and analysis tasks. Supported by CAS-ICT innovation project.

    Academic Universe (http://soscholar.com/universe)

    A platform for fast exploring linked academic objects. The system provides users with a single-page view of multiple academic objects, and allows users to easily explore the academic data by filtering different aspects.

    Academic Benchmark (http://www.bigdatalab.ac.cn/benchmark/)

    A platform for not only reporting the performances of state-of-the-art algorithms in different domains, but also providing the corresponding datasets, codes, and scripts that can make the experimental results reproducible.

    Current students under my supervision

    • Jiangui Chen (Ph.D.)
    • Yinqiong Cai (Ph.D.)
    • Lu Chen (Ph.D.)
    • Yubao Tang (Ph.D.)
    • Shiyu Ni (Ph.D.)
    • Da Li (Ph.D.)
    • Runze Fan (Master)
    • Yiting Wang (Master)
    • Xiaojie Sun (Master)
    • Ning Xian (Master)
    • Changjiang Zhou (Master)
    • Sihui Yang (Master)

    Graduated students under my supervision

    • Xinyu Ma (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Sihao Yu (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Cheng Zhao (Ph.D., now working at ByteDance)
    • Xiang Ji (Master, now working at ByteDance)
    • Hui Jin (Master, now working at Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China)
    • Jiantao Guo (Master, now working at Tencent)
    • Chunxiang Hong (Master, now working at Baidu)
    • Jianing Li (Ph.D., now working at CAS-ICT)
    • Lixin Su (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Wei Zeng (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Zizhen Wang (Master, now working at Tencent)
    • Ruqing Zhang (Ph.D., now working at CAS-ICT)
    • Hainan Zhang (Ph.D., now working at JD)
    • Yixing Fan (Ph.D., now working CAS-ICT)
    • Liang Pang (Ph.D., now working at CAS-ICT)
    • Long Xia (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Fei Sun (Ph.D., now working at Alibaba)
    • Yan Xiao (Master, now working at Microsoft)
    • Pengfei Wang (Ph.D., now working at BUPT)
    • Shengxian Wan (Ph.D., now working at Baidu)
    • Shuzi Niu (Ph.D., now working at CAS-IS)
    • Yadong Zhu (Ph.D., now working at Taobao)
    • Lu Bai (Ph.D., now working at Jingdong)
    • Xiaofei Zhu (Ph.D., now working at Chongqing University of Technology)
    • Xiubo Geng (Ph.D., now working at Yahoo)
    • Xiaohui Yan (Ph.D., now working at DiDi Research Lab)
    • Pan Du (Ph.D., now working at CAS-ICT)
    • Lei Cao (Ph.D., now working at CAS-ICT)
    • Chao He (Ph.D., now working at Changzhou Science and Technology Park)
    • Jianguo Wang (Ph.D., now at CAS-SIAT)
    • Tianyou Guo (Master)
    • Yan Gao (Master, now working at MSRA)
    • Fuxin Li (Master)
    • Li Li (Master)
    • Xiao Han (Master, now working at Google)
    • Huan Xue (Master, now working at Youdao)
    • Xiaolin Zhang (Master, now working at CCB)
    • Zhongxiang Chen (Master, now working at startup)

    Previously Collaborated Students

    • Yingyan Li (Master, co-advisor)
    • Qian Guo (Ph.D. candidate, co-advisor)
    • Yaogong Zhang (Ph.D. intern, co-advisor)
    • Chaosheng Fan (Ph.D. intern, co-advisor)
    • Zhenhong Chen (Master, co-advisor)
    • Bohan Li (Undergraduate intern)
    • Chunyao Zhang (Undergraduate intern)


    • Jiafeng Guo, Pre-training Methods for Information Retrieval, BAAI CONFERENCE 2021 Invited Talk [pdf]
    • Jiafeng Guo, Towards Intelligent Conversational Systems: Informativeness, Diversity and Controllability, SMP 2019 Invited Talk [pdf]
    • Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, Deep Approaches to Semantic Matching for Texts, ACML 2016 Tutorial, Hamilton, New Zealand [Part IPart II]
    • Jiafeng Guo, Jun Xu, Deep Semantic Matching for Texts, CCIR 2016 Tutorial, Guang Zhou, China [Part IPart II]
    • Jiafeng Guo, Top Conference Review--WSDM 2016, CCIR 2016 Tutorial, Guang Zhou, China [pdf]


    • "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning", (Fall 2017, 091M4042H)
    • "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning", (Fall 2016, 091M4042H)